WWW Bridge-Page of René Steiner
Welcome to the WWW Bridge-Page of René Steiner, Hamburg, Germany.
(Last modified on October 24, 2006.)
Some of the documents available through this link are written in german.
If you cannot read german there is still plenty of interesting stuff for you
like the LaTeX2e-packages for bridge related documents, the hand generator,
the PBN tools, information on my favourite system MOSCITO and the links.
You'll find
- a couple of Bridge tools such as my Bridge lab,
a program to perform double-dummy analysis of PBN-files and converters
to generate PBN from OKbridge output,
- information and examples on MagiPDF, a program I wrote to produce
stickers for coded cards, aka MagiCards,
- some german articles on Bridge from my times
as active Bridge teacher,
- 9 editions of bidding challenges from the
french Bridge magazine Le Bridgeur (these are in german, but
with the help of the small dictionary I give on the page you should
- some useful WinWord documents such as a form
for team games and a collection of macros to produce bridge diagrams,
- the LaTeX packages for bridge typesetting Thomas
Hof and I developped a couple of years ago,
- basic information on the MOSCITO system, an aggressive
strong club system with 4 card majors I play since almost 10 years with my
partner Nikolas Bausback,
- of course a large collection of useful links,
- and my guest book.
Alternatively you can try the frame version.
visitors since March 27, 1999
René Steiner
October 24, 2006